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【411】Matsuyama City Mayor Cup🏓


【Matsuyama City Mayor Cup🏓】 #中学生男子 #卓球部 #tabletennis #juniorhighschool
I went to see my son's table tennis match.
It's a pity that he lost the game.
My boy, I see you've tried very hard.
Practice the best you can!
I'm behind you all the way.💞
#糖質制限 #lowcarb #glutenfree #caffeinefree #leakygutsyndrome #栄養療法 #nutritiontherapy #筋トレ女子 #workout #lowt3syndrome #lowt3andt4syndrome
#松山暮らし #甲状腺機能低下症 #オーソモレキュラー #orthomolecular #分子栄養学 #メガビタミン #藤川理論 #keto #ketogenic