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【723】読了☆CHAPTER4. How to Take Niacin


【読了☆CHAPTER4. How to Take Niacin】#niacintherealstory #niacin #abramhoffer ✴︎
✅Dr. Hoffer's standard measure of recovery was this : recovered, truly well patients pay income tax.
✅A person's absolute upper limit for niacin is the amount that causes nausea, and, if not reduced, vomiting. The dose should never be allowed to remain at this upper limit. Dr. Hoffer's usual therapeutic dose range was 3,000 mg daily, divided into three doses of 1,000 mg each. Sometimes some patients need more.
✅Niacin is not liver toxic, but niacin therapy does increase liver function tests. This elavation means that the liver is activeーit does not indicate an underlying liver pathology.
✅In his fifty-five years of experience with thousands of patients, Dr. Hoffer found that even 40,000 mg of niacin daily is not toxic.
✅Many patients, particulary arthritics, have reported that they feel much better when their joints are warmed up by the flush and some will stop taking niacin for a few days in order to experience the flush once more.
✅Schizophrenic patients are usually less disturbed by the flush. Many schizophrenic patients do not flush until after several months and for as long as up to several years after starting to take 3 grams of niacin daily. This ability to flush may be related to their disease, for an appreciable number of schizophrenic patients begin to flush after several years of medication. This is a good prognostic sign and usually coincide with complete recovery.
✅People in fairly good health often choose to increase their doses gradually in order to minimize flushing. If they do increase the dose slowly, what I descrice is pretty accurate.
私のサプリノート📓は、この章に出てきた【therapeutic trial】を自分でやってる感じに近いのかも🙈
ナイアシンに限らず…【Work with your doctor】の方が、マイナートラブル防止にはなると思う。あとは、自分のカラダの状態に応じて、『使えるサプリメント』を選んで使うこと。
いくら安価でも自分が使えないサプリでは意味がないので…少し高くても使えるサプリを使うorもっと地道な取り組みで市販の安価なサプリが使えるレベルまで回復するのを待つ、どっちもアリだと思うなぁー🙄 #二元論キライ
#糖質制限 #lowcarb #glutenfree #leakygutsyndrome #栄養療法 #nutritiontherapy #筋トレ女子 #workout #オーソモレキュラー #orthomolecular #分子栄養学 #メガビタミン #keto #ketogenic #メガプロテイン