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【726】読了☆CHAPTER5. Safety of Niacin


【読了☆CHAPTER5. Safety of Niacin】#niacintherealstory #niacin #abramhoffer ✴︎
✅Dr. Parsons points out that increases in liver function tests, unless they are very substantial, such as more than threefold, usually does not indicate liver pathology. There are many compounds that elevate liver enzymes-all the statins do, as do acetaminophen(Tylenol)and ibuprofen(Advil).
✅Therefore it is best to stop the niacin for five days and then do the tests to avoid confusing liver damage with increased liver function activity.
✅But it is possible that the liver function test results may be raised due to methy depletion.
This can be prevented by giving patients 2,400 milligrams of lecithin devided twice daily. Betaine may also be effective for this purpose.
【Work out your personal dose in cooperation with your doctor】というのは、確かにそうだったかも🌀
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