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【738】読了☆CHAPTER 9. Mental Illness


【読了☆CHAPTER 9. Mental Illness】#niacintherealstory #niacin #abramhoffer ✴︎
✅Generally speaking, the more ill you are, the more niacin you can hold without flushing. In other words, if you need it, you physiologically soak up a lot of niacin.
✅Adrenochrome(which is oxidized adrenalin)has an almost LSD-like effect on the body.
Niacin serves to reduce the body's production of this toxic material.
✅A deficiency of the NAD↔︎NADH system may be one of the most important causes. There are many triggers but most of them can be overcome with the use of adequate supplementation with vitamin B3, which leads to an increased amount of NAD in the body.
✅Schizophrenia is not a multivitamin deficiency disease. It is pellagra, a vitamin B3 dependency, and it will not be treated successfully, no matter how many dozens of vitamin pills are given, if these patients are not given the correct doses of this vitamin.
【I(AH) fear for the schizophrenic patients all over who will have lost their chance for healing.】と書いてあったけれど…現状では、一般的にオーソモレキュラーもメガビタミン全然浸透していない😑
#糖質制限 #lowcarb #glutenfree #leakygutsyndrome #栄養療法 #nutritiontherapy #筋トレ女子 #workout #オーソモレキュラー #orthomolecular #分子栄養学 #メガビタミン #keto #ketogenic #メガプロテイン