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【740】読了☆CHAPTER 10. Cardiovascular Disease


【読了☆CHAPTER 10. Cardiovascular Disease】 #niacintherealstory #niacin #abramhoffer ✴︎
✅It is well established that niacin helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Niacin is one of the best substances for elevating high density lipoprotein cholesterol(the "good" cholesterol), and niacin provides other valuable cardiovascular benefits as well.
✅Niacin does not decrease cholesterol to dangerously low levels.
Niacin also lowered cholesterol levels of schizophrenic patients, but to a different degree than in normal patients.
✅Niacin also differs from niacinamide in that it causes a flush, while niacinamide has no vasodilation activity in 99 percent of the people who take it. For reasons unknown, about 1 in 100 persons who take niacinamide do flush. They must be able to convert niacinamide to niacin in their bodies at a very rapid pace.
✅If there is a deficiency of NAD, the oxidized adrenalin(or noradrenalin) loses another electron to form adrenochrome(or noradrenochrome). This change is irreversible. The adrenochrome is a synaptic blocking agent, as is LSD. Thus niacin, which maintains NAD levels, decreases the formation of adrenochrome.

【Too few physicians have developed this skill.】って書いてあったけど、その通りだ…🌀
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